The Original hCG Diet Menu by Dr. A.T.W. Simeons
Excerpts from Dr. Simeons Manuscripts, “Pounds and Inches” showing the original 500 calorie a day VLCD (Very Low Calorie Diet) foods menu from Dr. Simeon’s manuscript, “Pounds and Inches. “
This diet has helped millions of people to lose weight, change their eating habits and begin a new, healthy lifestyle.
Tea or coffee in any quantity without sugar. Only one tablespoonful of milk allowed in 24 hours. Saccharin or Stevia may be used.
1. 100 grams of veal, beef, chicken breast, fresh white fish, lobster, crab, or shrimp. All visible fat must be carefully removed before cooking, and the meat must be weighed raw. It must be boiled or grilled without additional fat. Salmon, eel, tuna, herring, dried or pickled fish are not allowed. The chicken breast must be removed from the bird.
2. One type of vegetable only to be chosen from the following: spinach, chard, chicory, beet-greens, green salad, tomatoes, celery, fennel, onions, red radishes, cucumbers, asparagus, cabbage.
3. One breadstick (grissino) or one Melba toast.
4. An apple, orange, or a handful of strawberries or one-half grapefruit.
Dinner :
The same four choices as lunch (above.)
What can I eat on the hCG Diet?
Drinks and Seasonings permitted on the hCG Diet based on Dr Simeons original hcg diet protocol as written in Pounds and Inches.
The juice of one lemon daily is allowed for all purposes.
Salt, pepper, vinegar, mustard powder, garlic, sweet basil, parsley, thyme, majoram, etc., may be used for seasoning, but no oil, butter or dressing.
Tea, coffee, plain water, or mineral water (2 liters of water per day is recommended) are the only drinks allowed, but they may be taken in any quantity and at all times.
The fruit or the breadstick may be eaten between meals instead of with lunch or dinner, but not more than than four items listed for lunch and dinner may be eaten at one meal.
Portions and specially prepared unsweetened, low calorie foods
"In many countries specially prepared unsweetened and low Calorie foods are freely available, and some of these can be tentatively used... the total daily intake must not exceed 500 Calories if the best possible results are to be obtained, that the daily ration should contain 200 grams of fat-free protein and a very small amount of starch."
Important Highlights:
The 500 calorie limit must always be maintained.
2 small apples are not an acceptable exchange for “1 apple.”
Very occasionally we allow egg - boiled, poached or raw - to patients who develop an aversion to meat, but in this case they must add the white of three eggs to the one they eat whole.
Cottage cheese made from skimmed milk is available 100 grams may occasionally be used instead of the meat
Dr. Simeons hCG Weight Loss Protocol Overview:
Injections are administered daily. The dose for the Simeons protocol is 125 iu administered daily, for no more than 40 days.
From the manuscript of Dr. Simeon:
"When treating only one or two cases simultaneously, vials containing a small number of units say 1000 I.U. should be used. The 10 cc. of solvent which is supplied by the manufacturer is injected into the rubber- capped bottle containing the hCG, and the powder must dissolve instantly. Of this solution 1 .25 cc. are withdrawn for each injection. One such bottle of 1000 I.U. therefore furnishes 8 injections. When more than one patient is being treated, they should not each have their own bottle but rather all be injected from the same vial and a fresh solution made when this is empty."
"Patients who need to lose 15 pounds or, 7 kilos or less require 26 days treatment with 23 daily injections." The VLCD is continued for 3 days following the end of the injections to avoid weight regain.
hCG Diet Injections and the Female Menstrual Cycle
No injections during menstruation on the hCG diet, however the VLCD is continued. Once menstruation is over, dieters must reinstate the daily hCG injections.
This is only a small amount of the information provided in Dr. Simeons manuscript.
Time and hCG Shots
"When a patient has more than 15 pounds to lose the treatment takes longer but the maximum we give in a single course is 40 injections, nor do we as a rule allow patients to lose more than 34 lbs. (15 Kg.) at a time. The treatment is stopped when either 34 lbs. have been lost or 40 injections have been given. The only exception we make is in the case of grotesquely obese patients who may be allowed to lose an additional 5-6 lbs. if this occurs before the 40 injections are up.