Seremolin & Weight Lifting
Treat the signs of aging naturally with Sermorelin human growth hormone
The body’s pituitary gland produces human growth hormone, which can not only cause growth spurts in adolescents, but also help regulate body changes associated with aging.
Now, a physician can prescribe Sermorelin, a man-made human growth hormone, believed capable of putting the brakes on aging. And, Sermorelin can even promote fast weight loss.
A safe alternative to fighting aging
As a person ages, the body produces less human grown hormone, and this is considered one of the principal medical signs of aging.
Sermorelin treatment encourages the body to naturally produce human growth hormone. Because it stimulates a natural process, as opposed to treatments that directly add the hormone, Sermorelin therapy is less likely to lead to complications.
The treatment creates the potential to reverse the affects of aging, including growing new tissue, muscles, and synapses in the brain. Yes, it has shown the possibility of leaving patients able to think more clearly.
Clinical studies have shown that sermorelin treatment can lead to a range of physical and mental benefits:
Increased lean body mass
Fat reduction
Improved energy
Accelerated wound healing
Improved cardiovascular and immune function
Better sleep quality
Improved bone density
Better skin and collagen density
Anti-aging: Sermorelin can ease the symptoms of growing older
As you age, your body produces less of the hormones that once helped you grow. For men and women, signs of aging appear as levels of these chemicals drop.
Body-B-Nu’s Sermorelin treatments can help your body begin to once again produce those hormones.
The result? Treatment can slow the visible signs of aging. And, it can even help weight loss.
Q: What is Sermorelin?
A: Sermorelin is a human growth hormone, and only available through a physician.
Q: Is this hormone like the ones athletes get in trouble for taking?
A: No. A medical professional with Body-B-Nu oversees the anti-aging treatment. When obtained through a physician, the Sermorelin hormone treatment is legal and properly managed.
Q: Does this treatment just add more hormones to my system, or does it do something else?
A: Other treatments do just add hormones to a patient’s system. But, Body-B-Nu’s Sermorelin treatment is different, encouraging your body to produce essential hormones naturally.
Q: How can Sermorelin help me?
A: Studies have shown our anti-aging treatments have the potential to help our patients attain a broad range of physical and mental improvements, including better energy, greater endurance, more restful sleep, and heightened mental sharpness.
Q: Can I get Sermorelin anywhere?
A: No, you must be under a physician’s care for Sermorelin treatment. Body-B-Nu works hard to match each patient’s needs with the best treatment options. Then, we monitor each patient’s progress to make sure he or she receives the greatest benefit.
Q: Does Sermorelin stop me from aging.
A: Unfortunately, no. We all wish it could. However, Body-B-Nu’s anti-aging treatment can slow and reverse many of the symptoms associated with aging.
Q: Can Sermorelin help me lose weight?
A: Yes, Sermorelin is a key part of our fast weight-loss programs. Boosting human growth hormone has shown the ability to improve lean muscle mass and to promote weight loss.
Q: Is Sermorelin enough by itself to help me lose weight.
A: Body-B-Nu’s weight-loss programs build the right plan for each person. Sermorelin is one tool, and it is often combined with nutrition plans to promote safe, healthy weight loss.
Sermorelin has become a popular weightlifting supplement in recent years because it has minimal side effects compared to HGH and testosterone. Sermorelin works by triggering the pituitary gland in the brain to produce more human growth hormone naturally. Weightlifters are interested in human growth hormone because it has a wide range of positive health benefits, even for people who produce a regular amount of the hormone and who are not deficient. Weightlifters generally get better results from their exercise efforts when they use human growth hormone; they often see faster muscle gain, their exercise recovery time is usually faster. Sermorelin has proven to be a safer and more natural way to get the same results that you would get with human growth hormone, although the results are more gradual over time. Although HGH can work well in the short term, there are long term consequences of using the hormone which are currently fully understood.
HGH declines at a different rate for every person
The HGH that is naturally produced by the pituitary gland starts to decline once you reach the age of 30. The decline becomes more substantial every decade afterward, and it can start to really affect you in your late 30s and early 40s. The decline happens at a different rate for every person; some people experience faster declines and more symptoms, while other people take longer to start having symptoms. It can also be hard to pinpoint some of the symptoms because many health conditions are attributed to the wrong causes. An HGH decline definitely causes a wide range of medical symptoms and can make exercise more difficult and recovery times take longer. That’s why restoring normal HGH levels can be so beneficial and that is also why many weightlifters, especially those who are 30 or older have thought about taking HGH or Sermorelin.
HGH supplementation results in many positive short term health benefits
There is no doubt at all that HGH supplementation results in numerous short term benefits. The problem with supplementing with the hormone is the long term health consequences that are poorly understood. Even those who don’t have an HGH deficiency can obtain many benefits from supplementing with the hormone, but these people may also be at risk for more health consequences if they inject too much of the hormone. It is also difficult to determine how much of the hormone is too much, because there are not detailed scientific studies on the long term consequences at different dosages. Using the hormone can result in improved muscle mass after exercising, a faster workout recovery time, lower body fat levels, improved memory and more.
Sermorelin and weightlifting offers the same health benefits as HGH
Sermorelin offers the same health benefits including an improved workout tolerance, faster muscle gains, higher energy levels, improved libido, lower body fat, an improved sleep schedule and memory, and more. Sermorelin’s health benefits occur more gradually over time while HGH works faster in the short term. Sermorelin can take about 2 to 3 weeks to start to trigger the body to product more human growth hormone. It causes the body to release HGH with its natural process rather than having to rely on manmade hormones so a lot (if not all) of the symptoms associated with long term HGH use are avoided. Some of the other health benefits include improved bone mineral density, improved heart health, better and younger looking skin, an improved metabolism, and an overall better mood and a better quality of life.
Sermorelin helps with workout recovery times
Weightlifters and bodybuilders have a particular interest in Sermorelin because it improves workout recovery times and helps put on more muscle quickly. After anywhere from 6 to 12 months of therapy combined with a strenuous weightlifting routine, Sermorelin can have results that are similar to HGH supplementation. It has been shown to be particularly effective for short bursts of exercise which happens to be the same way that many weightlifters exercise. Because Sermorelin has a short acting half-life, it needs to be taken regularly over a long period of time for its results to start to accumulate, but many weightlifters start to notice that they put on much more muscle after a few weeks of treatment, and that they are able to get back to lifting a lot sooner than they would without exercising. Sermorelin helps weightlifters get much more from their workouts than they would without the treatment, and compared to HGH it is far safer.
HGH remains one of the most expensive supplements in the world because it is still illegal to be sold for off label use for bodybuilding. HGH can been legally prescribed by a medical doctor but purchasing the hormone without a prescription is considered to be illegal by the Drug Enforcement Administration. HGH is only allowed to be prescribed for specific purposes, and with the tight regulation around the hormone it remains difficult for bodybuilders to obtain it without risking purchasing a low quality product or dealing with an illegitimate company. There are no such regulations around Sermorelin and as a result the cost is much lower than human growth hormone, and overall it is safer to use for bodybuilding or for muscle building purposes. HGH therapy can cost one to two thousand dollars per month or more, however Sermorelin is available for much less than that and may be just as effective in the long run without the negative side effects.
You can use Sermorelin for a long period of time without having to worry about dosages
Weightlifters who use HGH are sometimes concerned about the dosages and their long term effects, and as a result they are cautious with how much of the hormone that they use. Many weightlifters cycle their dosages so as to not build up an immunity to the hormone and prevent long term side effects. The same concern is present with Sermorelin, so weightlifters can use it for several weeks or months at a time without having to worry about immunity or long term health problems. There is nothing to indicate that Sermorelin is not safe to use in the long term, and it has not been known to cause some of the effects associated with long term HGH use like acromegaly, carpal tunnel, joint problems, and other issues. Weightlifters usually don’t have to be concerned about cycling their dosages, as they will get the proper dosage with Sermorelin as long as they receive it from a licensed clinic, and there is nothing to indicate that long term Sermorelin usage results in a built up immunity.
Sermorelin is traditionally used for anti-aging, but in recent years it has become more popular amongst bodybuilders as they look for more natural ways to increase their HGH and testosterone levels without having to rely on hormone injections. Whether you are trying to put more on muscle or increase your HGH levels for anti-aging, Sermorelin can work for you, and it offers a safer alternative to HGH. However, you have to be careful about picking the proper dosage.
You need to have a medical evaluation prior to starting injections because the therapy isn’t necessarily the right option for everyone. The majority of people can try Sermorelin without having to worry too much about whether or not it is safe for them.
Most people can tolerate it quite well, but the only way to be completely sure is by speaking with a medical doctor and getting approved for the treatment. By doing this, you’ll have the peace of mind that the treatment won’t have any unwanted effects and you’ll be able to ask your medical provider as many questions about the treatment as you want. Also, if the dosage needs to be adjusted your medical provider will let you know and make adjustments as needed.
Another one of the main benefits of using Sermorelin is that you will most likely be able to purchase it at a lower price. Because of the fact that Sermorelin is not illegal and it is approved for off-label use for health and anti-aging, it can be obtained at medical clinics like Body-B-Nu at a fraction of the cost that you might have to pay for HGH. HGH has high markups because it is illegal to purchase without a prescription, and the quality of the product will be questionable.
Most HGH products obtained without a prescription are not safe to use and there is no way of knowing what is even in the product without testing it. You might not be getting any actual hormone and the ingredients can cause a wide range of different side effects. Sermorelin offers a safe and medically approved alternative that will give you the same results that you are looking for without negative health consequences.
The proper Sermorelin dosage will increase your HGH levels without side effects
HGH has dozens of potential side effects that can be easily avoided with Sermorelin therapy. The proper dosage of Sermorelin avoids all of the side effects associated with HGH therapy. Some of the most common side effects of an improper HGH dosage can include: a shutdown of natural hormone production in the pituitary gland, HGH immunity, the potential to develop insulin resistance, joint pain and swelling, carpal tunnel syndrome, and many other side effects. Because the current research on HGH is limited, it is not clear if these side effects are the result of the hormone itself or the result of people using unapproved hormones that may contain harmful ingredients that cause these side effects.
When you purchase Sermorelin at a legitimate medical clinic like Body-B-Nu you can trust in its safety and also trust that it will be effective. The dosage will be carefully selected based on your levels of hormone deficiency, and the program is affordable compared to many HGH replacement programs. You don’t have to take Sermorelin forever to get the health benefits, and when you are trying to build muscle quickly it can work just as well after the initial few weeks where your body adjusts to it and you start producing more HGH naturally.